Laboratory Collaborations-Cooperations

Cochlear Implant Center – 1st END Department, AHEPA Hospital, Thessaloniki

Fulbright Scholar – Laura L. Koenig, Haskins Laboratories , Adelphi University, USA

Gallaudet University, USA

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

WHO Development Group Rehabilitation 2030

The Ear Foundation, UK

Hearing Loss Special Interest Group – Panhellenic Association of Speech and Language Therapists (P.S.L.)

The team is interdisciplinary and has demonstrated multifaceted work, in matters of informing the public through mass media, writing scientific papers and announcements at international and local conferences, organizing days and seminars on issues of education for the hard of hearing / deaf and people with a cochlear implant, consulting / advice / support of P.S.L. in matters of hearing loss, contacts and collaborations with other branches / specialties, promoting the education of hard of hearing / deaf people who use hearing aids and / or cochlear implants

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