Research Programs

Pancyprian Parents Association of Children with Hearing Loss

“Evaluation of the development of hearing-impaired children after cochlear implantation and training parents and educators by specialized tutors on supporting the development and inclusion of deaf children in the general educational system and the society”.
Cooperation with the Pancyprian Parents Association of Children with Hearing Loss.
Funding body: The EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund.

Aristeia II – SpeakGreek


Developing a biofeedback speech training tool for Greek segmental and suprasegmental features: Application in L2 learning/teaching and clinical intervention

SpeakGreek offers practice in understanding and producing the sounds, tone, intonation and rhythm of the Greek language. It incorporates innovative educational elements, such as:
– biofeedback, i.e. the visualization of key speech parameters on the computer screen in real time as the user speaks,
– the provision of instructions for appropriate production, and
– evaluating and rewarding the user’s effort.

GSRI (General Secretariat for Research and Innovation)

Presentation (pdf)

2018-2019 / FUNDING FOR THE YEARS 2016-2017 (As a reward for participation in competitive E.U. programs) of the project “Improved Children Auditory REhabilitation- Speech processing cues in children with hearing impairment (iCARE)-FP7-PEOPLE-2013- ITN-607139”
2016-2017 / FUNDING FOR THE YEARS 2014-2016 (As a reward for participation in competitive E.U. programs) of the project “Improved Children Auditory REhabilitation- Speech processing cues in children with hearing impairment (iCARE)-FP7-PEOPLE-2013- ITN-607139” Syn. 193/19-06-2017.

Education and initial vocational training – Operational Programme (EPEAEK)

EPEAEK Action 1.1.4., “The strengthening of speech listening skills through a child-centered intervention structuring of the educational program”

Project Webpage (archived)
Goals and Project Team (pdf)
Conception – Implementation – Problems – Experiences (pdf)

Two-day seminar (11-12 Αpril 2008): Enhancing the speech listening skills of deaf children with a cochlear implant

Project Report and Seminar: 20-21 September 2008 (pdf)

Improving Children’s Auditory REhabilitation (iCARE)

Fact SheetReporting

iCARE conference 20-21 November 2017, Leuven, Belgium


Project: “Investigation of prosody and voice characteristics of preschool children with a cochlear implant.
Action: “HERACLITUS II: Strengthening Human Research Potential through the Implementation of Doctoral Research at the University of Macedonia”, Sub-project 1: “Funding for Doctoral Research of the University of Macedonia”, Work Package 1.3.
Funding body: Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning & Religious Affairs and European Community Fund.

Project Website

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