Lab Units

The Lab consists of the following Units: 

Α. Unit of Speech-Language Pathology

specialized subjects/areas:
1) the study of the nature, development and deterioration of communication, i.e. the spoken and written language, speech, non-verbal communication, as well as auditory perception,
2) the diagnostic assessment, prevention, intervention, education and rehabilitation of people with communication disorders (speech, speech, voice, non-verbal communication, swallowing) and hearing loss,
3) the design, development and evaluation of support, rehabilitation and training technologies for people with communication disorders (speech, speech, voice, non-verbal communication) and hearing loss.

Β. Unit of Deafness and Psycho-Educational and Social Support and Empowerment of Individuals with Hearing Loss

specialized subjects/areas:
1)bilingualism/interculturalism and its peculiarities in the education and social inclusion of the Deaf,
2) the counseling of individuals and their families,
3) their pedagogical support in the school and learning environment.

C. Unit of Career Skills and Professional Development

specialized subjects/areas:
1) the development of life and career skills for people with communication disorders and hearing loss,
2) the development and application of innovative tools, methods and techniques in the field of career counseling and vocational guidance, with a focus on people with communication disorders and hearing loss,
3) parental counseling support for the careers of children with communication disorders and hearing loss and
4) lifelong learning and professional development of professionals in the field.

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